folk singer, multi-instrumentalist and poet Daphne Parker Powell Presents stories and songs based on poems and literature adapted to folk and jazz inspired compositions.
a seasoned storyteller Who has performed at Libraries, Poetry Festivals, and Community Arts Centers for many years, She has worked with Marilyn Nelson, Richard Blanco, Jenny Xie and Elizabeth Metzger, and performed as part of the Hill-Stead Museum’s Sunken Garden Poetry Festival, the Arts Cafe at the Mystic Arts Center, and Will be presenting at the Emily Dickinson ‘Tell It Slant’ Poetry FestIVAL.
The Book :
created with photographer Pola Esther as part of the greater Frost/Moxie compositions, stories of women throughout history who have wielded their sexuality for great good, or great evil. Muses and tyrants, these stories cast the age old role of women as sexual objects in a humorous and often edifying new light.
See the Merch page for a copy.
Summer of Song Series :
In 2017, in the throes of divorce, The Summer of Song series was born. A daily exercise of lyric poetry as a healing and inter&Intra Personal Understanding, compassion & radical trust. These exercises continue to a degree today on the Instagram page, feel free to write along!